Business communication training is essential to enhance effective communication within an organization. It equips employees with the necessary skills to communicate effectively in the workplace, including writing professional emails, delivering presentations, and conducting meetings. This training can improve productivity, teamwork, and customer relations.
Business Communication Training Outline
Module 1 – Introduction to Effective Communication
- The Characteristics of an Effective Communicator
- Importance of Communication in the 21st Century
- Components of Communication
- Communication Self-Assessment
- Elements of Effective Communication
- Audience Analysis
Module 2 – Creating First Impression
- Self-Introduction
- Introducing Others
- Small talks
- Perceptions about well-groomed people
- Creating Visual resume
- Spoiler Alert
Module 3 - Core Components of Effective Communication
1. Importance of Verbal and Non-verbal communication
2. Principles of Effective Verbal Communication
- Clarity
- Rate of Speech
- Tone
- Volume
- Pronunciation
- Emphasis
- Fillers
- Do’s and Don’ts
3. Principles of Effective Non-Verbal Communication
- Hand Gestures
- Facial Expressions
- Eye Contact
- Smile
- Overall Body Language
- Do’s and Don’ts
4. 7C’s of communication concept and practice
- Filter every communication through 7C’s
5. Emails and Business Letters
Module 4- Impressive Email Writing
- Email Writing Etiquette
- Purposeful Subject Lines
- Requesting
- Tone, Choice of words, Conciseness
- Email/Letters of Acknowledgement
- Congratulatory / Expressing Gratitude
- Conveying Bad News
Module 5 - Communication Styles and Effective Listening Skills
- Aggressive
- Passive
- Manipulative
- Assertive Communication Style
- Paraphrasing and Summarising
- Listening Skills
Module 6 - Words and Vocal Impact
- What You Say Matters
- Effect and Impact of Power Words
- Positive Communication
- Words for Success
- Words to Avoid
- Pronunciation and Syllable Stress
- Common Grammatical Errors
- Construct Effective Sentences
- Word Stress for Vocal ImpactW
Module 7 – Impressive Business English (Grammar and Mechanics of Business English)
- Grammar Refresher
- Simple tenses: present, past, future, perfect
- Regular & irregular verbs
- Common errors in tenses & modals
- Subject-verb agreement, gerunds & infinitives
- Question form – direct & indirect questions
- Question involving “do”, “does”, “did”
Module 8 – Significance of Effective Communication
- Probing and Acknowledgment
- Questioning Skills
- Use of Effective Probing in Communication
- What is Acknowledgement?
- Benefits of a Sincere Acknowledgements
- The Conversation Cycle
- Rapport Building
- Significance of Effective Communication
- Construct and Foster Sustainable and Productive Relationship
- Give Space to Innovations
- Help Build an Effective Team
- Effective Management
- Contributes to the Overall Growth of the Organization
- Art of giving and receiving feeback
Module 9 - Effective Presentation Styles and Public Speaking Tips
- Creating and Delivering PowerPoint Presentations
- Legible Font type/Size
- Use of key Words
- Enhance Readability
- Limit the Number of Slides
- Start Strongly
- Art of Story telling
- Practice before the real show
- Use your Voice Effectively
- Use your Body Too
- Relax, Breathe and Enjoy
- Tips on Public Speaking style (Tone, Body language, Steeple positions etc)
- Handling Difficult Audience and How to Handle Questions
- Understanding DISC behaviour tool
- Open and Closed ended questions and responses
- Probing
- Affirmative Initial response
Module 10 – Global Communication Styles
- Cross Cultural Communication (face -to -face and online)
- Being able to have stronger communication with customers, teams, colleagues around the world
- How to avoid Culture shock?
- Covid Era Communication world over
- What can hinder intercultural communication
- Interactive Communication or Convergence (Integrating)
- Components of Interactive Model in today’s technological world (Bots, ATMS, IVR, etc)
Module 11 – Barriers of Communication Styles
- What are Barriers?
- Barriers caused by the sender
- Barriers in Message Transmission
- Problem in Reception
- Problem in Receiver Comprehension
- Linguistic / Semantic Barriers
- Socio-Cultural Barriers
- Psychological Barriers
- Physical Barrier
- Dealing with Barriers